Best and Cheapest Car Insurance Providers in Pearl, MS

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The average cost of car insurance in Pearl, MS, is $1,180. Factors like the driver’s age, make and model of the vehicle, and credit scores can make insurance costs as high as $1,368 or as low as $980. Zimlon’s research found that car owners in Pearl, MS, can save $470 by comparing different insurance companies’ policies and discounts. Below is Zimlon’s analysis of the best and cheapest car insurance providers in Pearl, MS.



State Farm is the best and cheapest auto insurance provider in Pearl, MS, with 485,367 direct premiums written and 488,563 direct premiums earned as per NAIC data. State Farm’s market share in Mississippi is 24.60%. According to Zimlon’s research, in Pearl, MS, State Farm offers discounts like the safe vehicle discount, which can make auto insurance 40% cheaper depending on the safety equipment installed in the vehicle.


Southern Farm Bureau is the second best and cheapest auto insurance provider in Pearl, MS. The company recorded 232,231 direct premiums written and  230,318 direct premiums earned as per the latest NAIC data. Southern Farm Bureau holds a market share of 11.77% in Mississippi. Zimlon’s research found that auto insurance rates of Southern Farm Bureau in Pearl, MS, can vary depending upon factors like driver’s age and vehicle’s make and model. 


Progressive is the third best and cheapest auto insurance provider in Pearl, MS, with  220,489 direct premiums written and 213,983 direct premiums earned as per NAIC data. Progressive holds a market share of 11.17% in Mississippi. According to Zimlon’s research, auto insurance rates of Progressive in Pearl, MS, can vary depending on various factors like vehicle equipment, driving history and habits, driver's education, driver affiliations, and customer loyalty.


Allstate is the fourth-best and cheapest auto insurance provider in Pearl, MS. The company recorded 151,845 direct premiums written and 152,865 direct premiums earned. The market share of Allstate in Mississippi is 7.69%. Zimlon’s research found that Allstate provides a wide range of discounts and coverage options for its customers. Car owners in Pearl, MS, can get cheaper auto insurance quotes from Allstate by considering factors like credit scores, anti-theft equipment, and the vehicle model. 


Liberty is the fifth-best and cheapest auto insurance provider in Pearl, MS, with 142,419 direct premiums written and 131,532 direct premiums earned.  Liberty holds a market share of 7.22% in Mississippi. According to Zimlon’s research, Liberty’s insurance rates in Pearl, MS, can vary depending on various factors like the driver’s age, annual mileage, coverage type, and driver’s credit scores.