Car Owners can Save Up to $790 on Auto Insurance in Cherry Hill, NJ

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The average cost of auto insurance in Cherry Hill, NJ, is $1,970. This is lower than auto insurance in neighboring places such as Kingston Estates, Echelon, and Marlton. But, higher than the cost of auto insurance in the state of New Jersey. Car owners can save more by comparing multiple car insurance quotes from different car insurance companies. The cost of car insurance can vary from one neighborhood to another, depending on the rate of auto thefts in that area. The cost of auto insurance also depends on the rate of deductibles, driving record, and make and model of the car. Below are some of the discounts auto owners can avail of in Cherry Hill.


Driving Record:

Most car insurance companies offer substantial discounts to drivers who have a clean driving record. GEICO offers a 26% discount to drivers with a spotless driving record for five years. On the other hand, State Farm offers discounts when a driver goes three or more years with an accident-free record. With the advent of modern technology in the car insurance industry, Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) is increasingly being used to personalize car insurance. UBI works through both plugin devices and mobile apps. It keeps track of various factors in one’s car, making insurance rates more personalized.  

Progressive’s SNAPSHOT program offers a significant discount for good drivers. It places its average rate of discount at $145. The DriveSense Discount Program by Esurance is another option for car owners looking for discounts. 

Anti-theft Discounts:

Car insurers across New Jersey offer discounts to drivers that install anti-theft devices. GEICO offers a discount of up to 25% on installing approved anti-theft devices or alarms. Progressive, too, offers discounts of up to 25% on anti-theft devices and alarms. 

Hybrid and Electric Vehicles:

Zimlon found that Farmers and Travelers are among the few companies that offer discounts on alternative-fuel vehicles. Hybrids and Electric Vehicles are more environmentally friendly thanks to lower emission rates. In a few states, Farmers also offers a 5% discount to encourage environmentally prudent drivers.  

Multi-car Insurance Policy:

Drivers who own multiple cars can make use of this policy by insuring all their vehicles under the same auto insurance company. Insurance companies offer attractive discounts for bundling as well. Car owners can save more by purchasing their life, auto, and home insurance from the same insurance company. In Cherry Hill, the cost of insuring two cars under a multi-car insurance policy is $3,743, while the cost of insuring four cars is $7,683. The amount of savings via a multi-car insurance policy depends on the number of vehicles and the make and model of the car.


Bundling is a standard method of availing discounts. If a customer purchases multiple policies (life, car, home) from the same insurer, they become eligible for discounts. State Farm offers a 17% discount on multiple policies, while Progressive offers an average discount of 5%. Discounts are also offered if one covers multiple vehicles under the same insurer. GEICO, for instance, offers multi-vehicle discounts of up to 25%.

Progressive offers a 10% discount if you are a homeowner. However, to avail of this offer, it is not mandatory to have insured one’s home through Progressive’s network of home insurers.

Other than these significant factors, insurance companies across the board offer discounts to loyal customers. Signing paperwork online and reducing paperwork also makes some car owners eligible for discounts. It is clear from the above analysis by Zimlon that an estimation of discounts available to different car owners depends on numerous factors.