Factors Influencing the Cost of Auto Insurance in Champaign, IL

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The average cost of auto insurance in Champaign, IL, is $869. It is higher than the insurance price in neighboring places such as Sidney, Somer, St. Joseph, and Illinois. Several factors can affect the cost of auto insurance in Champaign. A thorough comparison of multiple auto insurance quotes will help car owners obtain an insurance quote that best suits their coverage needs. Zimlon also offers the option of keying in one’s zip code to get accurate auto insurance quotes.


Some of the factors that could increase the cost of auto insurance are as follows.


This is one of the most common factors influencing the cost of auto insurance in Champaign, IL. A low deductible ($500) usually increases auto insurance value, whereas a high deductible ($1,000) lowers it. For example, the average cost of auto insurance for a Chrysler 300 on a deductible of $500 is $1,330, and it decreases to $1,250 when the deductible is $1,000.

Credit Score:

A low credit score could also mean an increase in the cost of auto insurance. Moreover, auto insurance increases when the credit score is “poor” or “average.” The cost of auto insurance when the credit score is “exceptional” can be quite low.


DUIs can prove to be extremely expensive for car owners in almost every city in the country. This can have a lasting impact on insurance rates as well. The cost of auto insurance post-DUI in Champaign can be as high as $1,616. 

Age Group:

The cost of auto insurance depends on the age of the driver. Auto insurance is the cheapest for drivers who are in their fifties and sixties in Champaign. Teenagers are considered more risk-prone to accidents and continue to find auto insurance expensive at $2,980.

Driving Violations:

Driving Violations such as driving with an expired license or speeding can also have a severe impact on auto insurance costs in Champaign, IL, mainly because it increases the amount of risk being covered by insurers. Speeding or driving with an expired license can prove to be quite expensive. 

Other factors that could make auto insurance expensive include not using anti-theft equipment. Comparing quotes is of utmost importance to reduce the cost of auto insurance in the city.