Save Up To $360 on Auto Insurance in Naperville, IL
The average cost of auto insurance in Naperville, IL, is $891 and ranges between $639 and $1,289. Car owners in Naperville can save up to $360 by comparing multiple quotes and reviews from different auto insurance companies. Below is a list of discounts available to drivers in Naperville.
Multi-Car Insurance:
Car insurance companies provide discounts to car owners who insure multiple cars with the same insurance company. However, discounts on multi-car insurance policies vary according to the make and model of the vehicle. The cost of insuring two vehicles under a multi-car insurance policy in Naperville is $1,693, while the cost of insuring four vehicles under this policy is $3.475.
Bundling is another standard method of availing discounts. If a customer purchases multiple policies (life, car, home) from the same insurer, they become eligible for discounts.
Anti-Theft Discounts:
Car insurers across Illinois offer discounts to drivers that install anti-theft devices. GEICO offers a discount of up to 25% on installing approved anti-theft devices or alarms. Progressive, too, offers discounts of up to 25% on anti-theft devices and alarms.
Equipping one’s vehicles with the latest anti-theft devices will help in saving more. A passive disabling device helps in saving the most on auto insurance in Naperville. Other devices that can help improve savings are tracking devices and active disabling devices.
Driving Record:
Most car insurance companies offer substantial discounts to drivers with a clean driving record. GEICO offers a 26% discount to drivers with a spotless driving record for five years, while State Farm offers discounts for drivers who go three or more years with an accident-free record. With the advent of modern technology in the car insurance industry, Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) is increasingly being used to personalize car insurance. UBI works through both plugin devices and mobile apps. It keeps track of various factors in one’s car, making insurance rates more personalized.
For example, post-DUI, the cost of auto insurance in Naperville, can mount up to $1,657 from $891. That’s an increase of close to $1,000. The average cost of auto insurance post-DUI for male teenagers is $6,214, and $5,235 for female teenagers. Other driving violations can prove to be very expensive as well. Some of them include driving with an expired license and using a cellphone while driving.