Save Up to $840 on Car Insurance in Lake Worth, FL

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The average cost of auto insurance in Lake Worth, FL, is $2,089 and ranges between $1,563 and $2,966. Car owners can reduce their insurance by $840 by comparing multiple auto insurance quotes from different car insurance companies.

Multiple Vehicles:

It is always smarter to insure multiple vehicles under the same auto insurance policy. This can help car owners improve their savings. The cost of insuring two cars under a multi-car insurance policy in Lake Worth, FL, is $3,970, while it is $8,148 for four cars. This also depends on the make and model of the car and the rate of the deductible. Car owners can also fetch more discounts by bundling their auto, life, and home insurance under the same insurer. 


Age and gender are some of the other factors that can affect the cost of auto insurance. As the above infographic indicates, married women tend to pay the least on insurance, at $1,754, since women are generally considered safer drivers.

Moreover, since the cost of auto insurance increases for drivers with minimum driving experience, teenagers are considered to be unsafe drivers. Male teenagers have to pay $5,619 on average, while female teenagers pay $5,013. This is almost twice the amount paid by married men in Lake Worth. 

Driving Record:

Possessing a clean driving record always helps in obtaining cheaper auto insurance. In contrast, a driving record riddled with multiple violations will only increase the cost of auto insurance. For example, post-DUI, the average cost of auto insurance in Lake Worth, FL, increases to $3,885. Drunk driving has a far greater impact on insurance for teenagers. The average cost of auto insurance for male teenagers post-DUI rises to $10,451, while it increases to $9,324 for female teenagers.

Other violations that could lead to a massive increase include driving with an expired license and running a red light. 


Deductibles are one of the most common factors affecting the cost of auto insurance in Lake Worth, FL. A higher deductible leads to a decrease in the cost of auto insurance, while a low deductible increases the price. For instance, the cost of auto insurance when the deductible is $500 (Scion XD) is $2,350. This goes down to $2,160, when the deductible is higher, at $1,000. But this is not always the case. It also depends on the make and model of the vehicle and the claims amount.