Ways to Save on Car Insurance in Newport News, VA

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The average cost of auto insurance in Newport News, VA, according to Zimlon’s study, is $1,143. This cost ranges from $843 to $1,772. Car owners in Newport News can save up to $460 by comparing multiple quotes and reviews from different insurance companies. Some of the ways in which car owners can lower the cost of auto insurance are listed below.

Driving Record:

Most car insurance companies offer substantial discounts to drivers with a clean driving record. GEICO offers a 26% discount to drivers with a spotless driving record for five years. On the other hand, State Farm offers discounts when a driver goes three or more years with an accident-free record. With the advent of modern technology in the car insurance industry, Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) is increasingly being used to personalize car insurance. UBI works through both plugin devices and mobile apps. It keeps track of various factors in one’s car, making insurance rates more personalized.  

The cost of auto insurance in Newport News, post-DUI, increases to $2,125. But, this is also dependent on the driver’s age. The cost of auto insurance post-DUI for teenagers is much higher. Male teenagers pay $7,865 on an average, post-DUI, while female teenagers pay $6,377. 

Safe and responsible drivers will find it easier to lower the cost of auto insurance in Newport News. Other violations that can have a long-term impact on auto insurance in Newport News include driving with an expired license and running a red light. 

Hybrids and Electric Vehicles:

Zimlon found that Farmers and Travelers are among the few companies that offer discounts on alternative-fuel vehicles. Hybrids and Electric Vehicles are considered environmentally friendly thanks to lower emission rates. For such vehicles, Farmers offers car owners discounts of up to 5% in some states. 

Multi-Car Insurance:

Car owners in Newport News, VA, can save more by insuring their vehicles with the same auto insurance company. Insurers offer discounts on multi-car insurance policies. Bundling is another way of increasing your savings. Car owners can insure their life, auto, and home insurance with the same insurer in order to get added benefits.

The cost of insuring two cars under a multi-car insurance policy in Newport News, VA, is $2,172. The amount of savings on multi-car insurance in Newport News will differ according to the make and model of the vehicle being insured.