Berkeley, CA Auto Insurance Rates

Berkeley, CA residents can save $690 by comparing multiple quotes & reading reviews & research on Berkeley car insurance rates, quotes, agents & coverage.

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$1057 $1737 $3471

Latest Auto Insurance Reviews in Berkeley, California

Geico offers the same coverges as other insurance companies at a lower price. They bundle for an even cheaper premium.
State Farm
I have zero plans to shop around and compare other policies. They've never been anything but helpful in over 20 years.
Allstate offers normal car insurance plans, pay as you drive plans and minimal driver plans, there really is somethign for everyone which makes it nice.
I couldnt find a better rate as i also have a discount for long time membership.
Great customer service. Very personal and attentive. I also, like the follow up calls after you have called.
State Farm
We need to wait for upto 30 min. Hence, people need more time and patience. Some times, waiting is frustrating.
They are very competitive with their rates and are one of the only ones to not take the proximity of violent cities into the cost of our policy
Farmer's Insurance
I don't know about other insurance companies and their coverage, but Farmers does everything I need. I am happy with the policies that we have at this time.
State Farm
My premiums are always higher than expected and when you call he agent they always have a reason as to why the premiums are going up.
State Farm
My premiums are always higher than expected and when you call he agent they always have a reason as to why the premiums are going up.
I like that they offer the coverage that I needed and wanted while providing a price that I was happy with, I would always like cheaper, but they beat everyone I called around to.
Every time I call in my questions are answered and everyone is helpful and polite. I like the price and the customer service.
American National Property And Casualty Company
I like the free road side assistance. I also really like how easy it is to add or remove a vehicle from the policy. All it takes is a phone call.
I like Geico because they have excellent customer support and claims processing, and offers great coverage at a very affordable cost.
To be honest there is not much to dislike. I have really been very happy with them in all of the dealings we have had with them.
Only accessible by phone; this can be something of a challenge if I have extensive questions about my coverage, or why my premium changed.
I can call or email or go to their website. I have no complaints about finding access.
Write Your Review | Berkeley, California Auto Insurance Analysis
State Farm Auto Insurance, Berkeley, CA
$150/1 month
Car Insurance Policy Holder
  • Married 28 Years old Male licensed 3 years ago with Leased Toyota Corolla L used for Commute to Work or School with estimated annual mileage of 20,001+.
  • less than high school education & Part Time Job.
  • No accidents , Issued traffic ticket previously , No DUIs , No Licence suspensions .
Car Insurance Policy & Coverage Details:
  • 1 car insured & 1 person is part of this policy
  • Home and Auto insurance are from difference companies
  • $25K (Per Person Bodily Injury) / $50K (Per Accident Bodily Injury)
  • 20 K Property Damage
  • 50 K Personal Injury Protection
  • 15 K Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury
  • 30 K Uninsured Motorists Property Damage

Berkeley Car Insurance Rate Comparisons

Berkeley, CA's average car insurance of $1737 differs from Orinda, CA (-$452), North Richmond (+$773), Albany, CA (-$263) and California (+$82)

Berkeley Orinda, CA North Richmond Albany, CA California
Median Insurance Rates $1737 -$452 +$773 -$263 +$82

Berkeley Car Insurance Savings By Neighborhood & Street Area

Berkeley Driver Street Residence & Car Locations Car Details in Berkeley Berkeley Driver Demographics Berkeley Auto Insurance Estimates Recent Berkeley Insurance Savings
University Village
Dartmouth St2004 Buick Rendezvous CX27 year married man$2113$828
Evelyn Ave2001 Audi A6 2.8 quattro84 year female senior$2137$996
South Berkeley
Dohr St2007 Ford Fusion SEL16 year teenager$3448$736
Mabel St2001 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD Base19 year male teenager$3542$343
Rochedale Village
Lorina St2010 Nissan Rogue S19 year female teenager$3589$807
Newbury St2010 Mazda Mazda3 s Sport 84 year senior$1753$707
Buena Ave2007 Chrysler 300 C64 year male senior$1788$660
Buena Ave2011 Kia Sorento LX51 year woman$1481$842
Mulford Gardens
I- 802009 Acura TSX Base40 year man$2150$989
Sf Oakland Bay Brg2013 Honda Civic U.S. LX41 year married woman$1418$641

Berkeley Post DUI Car Insurance Rates

Berkeley San Pablo El Cerrito Richmond California
Median Post DUI Insurance Rate $3230 -$227 -$561 -$48 +$153
Male Teenager Post DUI Insurance Rate $7041 -$494 -$1223 -$106 +$333
Female Teenager Post DUI Insurance Rate $7010 -$493 -$1220 -$106 +$331

The Post DUI insurance in Berkeley, CA's is $3230 compared to San Pablo (-$227), El Cerrito (-$561), Richmond (-$48) and California (+$153)

In Berkeley, a male teenager with Post DUI pays $31 more than a female teenager Post DUI. For Example, a Male Teenager Post DUI with a 2007 Ford Fusion SEL in Berkeley, CA would pay $6413 on auto insurance while a female teenager POST DUI would pay $6383.

Berkeley Car Insurance by Segment

Berkeley Teenagers Car Insurance Rates Comparison

13421 Berkeley Teenagers (10% of total population), 47% Male & 53% Female.

Berkeley East Richmond Heights Montalvin Manor North Richmond California
All Teenagers $3786 +$203 +$1402 +$1685 +$179
Male Teenager $3786 +$203 +$1402 +$1685 +$179
Female Teenager $3769 +$202 +$1395 +$1677 +$178

Berkeley teenagers pay $3786 in insurance in contrast with East Richmond Heights (+$203), Montalvin Manor (+$1402), North Richmond (+$1685) and California (+$179). The difference between Male & Female teenagers in Berkeley is $17


  • 2012 Hyundai Sonata GLS Male Teenager Insurance Rate $3719
  • 2012 Jeep Wrangler Sport Female Teenager Insurance Rate $3294

Berkeley Men & Women Car Insurance

131155 Berkeley Adults (100% of total population), 49% Men & 51% Women.

Berkeley Kensington Tara Hills Emeryville California
All Women $1684 +$682 +$323 +$52 +$80
Married Women $1632 +$661 +$313 +$50 +$77
All Men $2205 +$893 +$423 +$68 +$105
Married Men $2101 +$851 +$403 +$64 +$99

The typical insurance rate of $2205 that Berkeley Men pay varies from Kensington (+$893), Tara Hills (+$423), Emeryville (+$68) and California (+$105). In Berkeley, married men pay $469 more than married women.


  • 2011 GMC Sierra 1500 SLE Married Men Insurance Rate $2096
  • 2014 Volkswagen Beetle TDI Married Women Insurance Rate $1994

Berkeley Senior Car Insurance

22387 Berkeley Seniors (17% of total population), 46% Senior Men & 54% Senior Women.

Berkeley Alameda Tara Hills North Richmond California
All Seniors $1841 -$243 +$353 +$819 +$87
Senior Men $1806 -$238 +$346 +$804 +$85
Senior Women $1875 -$247 +$360 +$835 +$89

Berkeley seniors pay $1841 in insurance compared to Alameda (-$243), Tara Hills (+$353), North Richmond (+$819) and California (+$87). In Berkeley, senior men pay $69 less than senior women.

Berkeley Car Insurance Discounts for Multiple Vehicles

Berkeley Population with 1 Vehicle 22621 (43% of Berkeley population), 2 Vehicles 14872 (28% of the Berkeley population) and 3 vehicles 3636 (7% of the population)

Berkeley Orinda Oakland Emeryville California
2 Vehicles $3301 -$859 +$245 +$100 +$156
3 Vehicles $5038 -$1311 +$374 +$153 +$238
4 Vehicles $6775 -$1763 +$503 +$206 +$320

Berkeley Auto Insurance Rates Vary by Deductible

Low Deductible ($500) High Deductible ($1000)
Make & Model Example Claim Amount Yearly Premium Total Yearly Cost Yearly Premium Total Yearly Cost Net Savings for High Deductible Plan
GMC, Yukon XL 2500 SLT $400 $1810 $2210 $1700 $2100 $110
Infiniti, QX56 $300 $1840 $2140 $1710 $2010 $130
Toyota, Prius c $1000 $1800 $2300 $1700 $2700 $-400
Chevrolet, Corvette ZR1 $200 $2080 $2280 $1930 $2130 $150
Subaru, Impreza WRX Limited $100 $1870 $1970 $1730 $1830 $140