Cedar Rapids, IA Auto Insurance Rates

Cedar Rapids, IA residents can save $320 by comparing multiple quotes & reading reviews & research on Cedar Rapids car insurance rates, quotes, agents & coverage.

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$607 $792 $1281

Latest Auto Insurance Reviews in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Geico was one of the lowest price options when it came to premiums and had a good amount of deductible options as well.
State Farm
I have everything with them, home auto bike and always used them in any situation i was in, weather renting or owning a home
I have a low deductible of $500. I kind of suspect I will need to make a claim on my new car because it's a luxury vehicle and a lot can go wrong.
I would recommend this company but I would warn people to be very aware of the lackluster customer service. I feel it is worth dealing with though for the coverage and affordable pricing.
Amica Mutual Insurance
Amica offers many options in terms of levels of coverage. You can customize your policy to get just what you need for each automobile you want to insure.
My premium with Progressive is much lower than any other company. The deductible for my plan is comparable to other companies as well as the specifics of what is covered.
they handled my claim quickly and it was easy for me. I would shop price since there may be significant savings by going with a different carrier
the premium is about 20% lower than the previous one, and the deductible is about the same as the previous company's offer.
the premium is about 20% lower than the previous one, and the deductible is about the same as the previous company's offer.
Customer service is hard to be reached out and the representative who helped my parents out was not kind
Farmer's Insurance
I dislike the requirement for automatic bank drafts more than anything, because I have to remember it to avoid overdraft charges. Also dislike the junk mail and sales calls.
Their customer support was polite and informed. They were also efficient and gave me a quote within a day of my inquiry. I recieved my policy in the mail in just 2 days.
I haven't really compared rates too much, but from the few major companies that advertise regularly (Geico, Allstate, Progressive), I can see I'm getting a good deal with State Farm and am satisfied with my premium.
Farm Bureau
My premium is much lower than other insurance companies for the same amount of coverage thanks in part to discounts for being a long-term customer.
The company has various ways to access information, phone, web chat, online website and even an app, so it is very convenient and I like the options.
The customer's support is pretty decent, they are attentive and always there if I need them so I appreciate that,
Lenox Mutual Insurance
What I like about this company is that they are local and small and the cost is fairly low for minimum coverage.
The company is available when I need them. I can contact them in different ways. I have not had any issues with them thus far. Everything has gone smoothly.
Write Your Review | Cedar Rapids, Iowa Auto Insurance Analysis
American Family Insurance, Cedar Rapids, IA
$50/1 month
Car Insurance Policy Holder
  • Single 31 Years old Male licensed 4 years ago with Financed Acura RDX used for Commute to Work or School with estimated annual mileage of 20,001+.
  • Lawyer & Full Time Job.
  • No accidents , Issued traffic ticket previously , No DUIs , No Licence suspensions .
Car Insurance Policy & Coverage Details:
  • 1 car insured & 1 person is part of this policy
  • Home and Auto insurance are from difference companies
  • $25K (Per Person Bodily Injury) / $50K (Per Accident Bodily Injury)
  • 15 K Property Damage
  • 50 K Personal Injury Protection
  • 20 K Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury
  • 40 K Uninsured Motorists Property Damage

Cedar Rapids Car Insurance Rate Comparisons

Cedar Rapids, IA's average car insurance of $792 differs from Hiawatha, IA (+$4), Monroe, IA (+$558), Big Grove, IA (+$548) and Iowa (+$236)

Cedar Rapids Hiawatha, IA Monroe, IA Big Grove, IA Iowa
Median Insurance Rates $792 +$4 +$558 +$548 +$236

Cedar Rapids Car Insurance Savings By Neighborhood & Street Area

Cedar Rapids Driver Street Residence & Car Locations Car Details in Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids Driver Demographics Cedar Rapids Auto Insurance Estimates Recent Cedar Rapids Insurance Savings
N Robinwood Dr2007 Buick Lacrosse CXS76 year senior$810$674
W Knoll Dr2007 Audi A4 2.0T19 year female teenager$2271$700
Cedar Hills
Underwood Ave SW2008 Jeep Liberty Sport32 year married woman$592$564
Johnson Ave2008 Mazda 3 I21 year man$1222$933
Five Seasons Manufactured Home Community
Blairs Forest Way NE2009 Ford Fusion SE38 year woman$658$626
Glen Elm Ter NE2007 Cadillac DTS Base37 year married man$1671$865
Kirkwood Estates
Mayden Ave SW2014 Hyundai Sonata GLS18 year teenager$2106$492
Cornell St SW2014 Volkswagen Jetta S74 year male senior$1065$850
Beverly Depot
Carlsbad St2008 Chrysler 300 C HEMI18 year male teenager$2247$306
Dunham Dr SW2013 Honda Civic LX63 year female senior$662$815

Cedar Rapids Post DUI Car Insurance Rates

Cedar Rapids Ely Linn County Walford Iowa
Median Post DUI Insurance Rate $1473 +$1038 +$145 +$1038 +$439
Male Teenager Post DUI Insurance Rate $4860 +$3426 +$480 +$3426 +$1449
Female Teenager Post DUI Insurance Rate $3695 +$2606 +$365 +$2606 +$1103

The Post DUI insurance in Cedar Rapids, IA's is $1473 compared to Ely (+$1038), Linn County (+$145), Walford (+$1038) and Iowa (+$439)

In Cedar Rapids, a male teenager with Post DUI pays $1165 more than a female teenager Post DUI. For Example, a Male Teenager Post DUI with a 2008 Jeep Liberty Sport in Cedar Rapids, IA would pay $4179 on auto insurance while a female teenager POST DUI would pay $3178.

Cedar Rapids Car Insurance by Segment

Cedar Rapids Teenagers Car Insurance Rates Comparison

9059 Cedar Rapids Teenagers (7% of total population), 49% Male & 51% Female.

Cedar Rapids Walford Florence Robins Iowa
All Teenagers $2209 +$1557 +$1557 +$1641 +$659
Male Teenager $2613 +$1842 +$1842 +$1941 +$779
Female Teenager $1987 +$1401 +$1401 +$1476 +$593

Cedar Rapids teenagers pay $2209 in insurance in contrast with Walford (+$1557), Florence (+$1557), Robins (+$1641) and Iowa (+$659). The difference between Male & Female teenagers in Cedar Rapids is $626


  • 2013 Nissan Rogue S Male Teenager Insurance Rate $2455
  • 2010 Toyota Prius Female Teenager Insurance Rate $1759

Cedar Rapids Men & Women Car Insurance

126921 Cedar Rapids Adults (100% of total population), 49% Men & 51% Women.

Cedar Rapids Atkins Monroe Linn County Iowa
All Women $744 +$590 +$525 +$73 +$222
Married Women $689 +$546 +$485 +$67 +$205
All Men $1346 +$1068 +$949 +$133 +$401
Married Men $1346 +$1068 +$949 +$133 +$401

The typical insurance rate of $1346 that Cedar Rapids Men pay varies from Atkins (+$1068), Monroe (+$949), Linn County (+$133) and Iowa (+$401). In Cedar Rapids, married men pay $657 more than married women.


  • 2013 Dodge Journey Crew Married Men Insurance Rate $1181
  • 2005 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD LT Married Women Insurance Rate $1285

Cedar Rapids Senior Car Insurance

22806 Cedar Rapids Seniors (17% of total population), 43% Senior Men & 57% Senior Women.

Cedar Rapids Robins Fremont Monroe Iowa
All Seniors $958 +$711 +$772 +$675 +$285
Senior Men $1148 +$853 +$925 +$809 +$342
Senior Women $776 +$576 +$625 +$547 +$231

Cedar Rapids seniors pay $958 in insurance compared to Robins (+$711), Fremont (+$772), Monroe (+$675) and Iowa (+$285). In Cedar Rapids, senior men pay $372 more than senior women.

Cedar Rapids Car Insurance Discounts for Multiple Vehicles

Cedar Rapids Population with 1 Vehicle 18217 (35% of Cedar Rapids population), 2 Vehicles 20875 (40% of the Cedar Rapids population) and 3 vehicles 6709 (13% of the population)

Cedar Rapids Hiawatha Bertram Swisher Iowa
2 Vehicles $1505 +$8 +$1193 +$1212 +$449
3 Vehicles $2297 +$12 +$1821 +$1850 +$685
4 Vehicles $3089 +$16 +$2449 +$2488 +$921

Car Insurance Agents in Cedar Rapids, IA

Rank Agent Name Agent Contact
1 AAA Insurance 1519 42nd St NE # 100, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
2 Al Schettler 3011 Johnson Ave NW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52405
3 Bergen Insurance Agency 238 Blairs Ferry Rd NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
4 Bret R Throlson 3407 Mount Vernon Rd SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
5 Bryan Watkins 3030 1st Ave NE Ste 303, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
6 Carolyn Lathrop 1110 Old Marion Rd NE Ste A, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
7 Chad Johnson 2742 Edgewood Rd SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
8 Colony Insurance 2752 Edgewood Rd SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
9 Country Financial Agency 5815 Council St NE Ste A, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
10 Cuais Agency Insurance Services 1150 42nd St NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

Cedar Rapids Auto Insurance Rates Vary by Deductible

Low Deductible ($500) High Deductible ($1000)
Make & Model Example Claim Amount Yearly Premium Total Yearly Cost Yearly Premium Total Yearly Cost Net Savings for High Deductible Plan
Acura, TSX $1500 $790 $1290 $740 $2240 $-950
Volvo, S80 3.2 $500 $850 $1350 $810 $1310 $40
Toyota, Sequoia SR5 $400 $770 $1170 $740 $1140 $30
Suzuki, Grand Vitara Limited $300 $780 $1080 $720 $1020 $60
Acura, TSX Sport Wagon $200 $790 $990 $750 $950 $40