Chicago Auto Insurance Rates, Quotes, Agents & Reviews in IL

Chicago, IL Auto Insurance Rates, Quotes, Agents & Reviews

Zimlon, through its research, found that car owners in Chicago, IL, can avail multiple discounts on car insurance by taking various factors into consideration. These factors are explored in detail by Zimlon in the analysis below.

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The ‘high insurance average vs. low median price’ dilemma of the used Chevrolet Silverado in Chicago

The price of a vehicle is a one-time investment, while its insurance is a recurring cost. So, what do you do when your dream car has a low price but very high insurance costs?

If live in Chicago, and are considering buying a used Chevrolet Silverado, this might be your prime concern. While the price of this full-size pickup truck is considerably low in Chicago, its insurance percentage is a whopping 7% of its cost.If you are going for a used Chevrolet Silverado, make sure you consider the insurance rates and median prices in advance.

If you are going for a used Chevrolet Silverado make sure you consider the insurance rates and median prices in advance.  Since the insurance rates and median prices are different for different cities, you might miss out on a good deal just because you did not know the right place to purchase it from.

You might not have the choice of buying the cheapest insurance, but with a little research, you can still save on your upfront costs.

Let us take a look at how purchasing a used Chevrolet Silverado could be affordable in the state of Illinois. The figures below are of a used Chevrolet Silverado within the year range of 2005 and 2012.

State City Median Price ($) Insurance Average ($) Insurance %
Illinois Chicago 18,885 1,471 7
Illinois Peoria 25,000 932 3

If you take a look at the table above, Chicago has the highest insurance average in Chevrolet Silverado in Illinois. However, the median price is really low compared to the city of Peoria. If you live in Chicago, your best bet would be to buy your used Chevy Silverado from here. You could reduce your insurance costs by adding an anti-theft device, adding teen drivers to your policy, maintaining a clean driving record, etc.

Peoria, on the other hand, has a high upfront cost. However, if you live in Peoria you can save a lot on insurance premiums when compared to the other cities in the state.  You also have the option of buying the car from Chicago and having it shipped to Peoria. This would help you save up to $6,000!

Average Rate of Car Insurance in Chicago, IL, is $1,154

The average cost of auto insurance in Chicago is $1,154. This is lower than most neighboring places such as Forest View, Berwyn, Cicero, and Stickney. The cost of auto insurance is influenced by numerous factors such as the rate of deductibles, driving record, and make and model of the car. The cost of insurance can also vary from one neighborhood to another, depending on the rate of auto thefts in that area. Some of the factors that influence auto insurance rates are explored below.



Deductibles are one of the most common factors that affect the cost of auto insurance. If the car owner opts for a high deductible, the cost of auto insurance decreases, while it increases if the car owners choose a lower deductible. For example, if the deductible is $500, the cost of auto insurance is $1,864, in Chicago. It comes down to $1,575 when the deductible is higher, say $1,000.


The age of the driver is an important factor in determining the cost of auto insurance. The cost of auto insurance decreases with an increase in the driving experience. This is perhaps why auto insurance is most expensive for teenagers. Teenagers in Chicago have to shell out a massive $3,745 to obtain auto insurance. This is double the amount the next age group pays for insurance. Auto insurance in Chicago is cheapest for car owners who are in their fifties and sixties. The average cost of auto insurance for a 50-year-old in Chicago is $1,018, while it is $1,032 for a 60-year-old. 


DUI is a serious offense that could have a lasting impact on the cost of auto insurance in Chicago. 

The penalties for DUI in Chicago can be heavy. The fines for a first DUI conviction are:

  • A minimum fine of $500 can be imposed if the BAC level was 0.16% or more.

  • A maximum fine of $2,500 can be imposed.

  • A fine of $1,000 can be imposed if the driver was traveling with a passenger under 16 years of age.

According to the CDC, between 2003 and 2012, the state of Illinois reported 3,866 fatalities as a result of crashes involving a drunk driver. The cost of auto insurance in Illinois post-DUI goes up to $1,873 from $1,154.

Why is West Garfield the worst neighbourhood for car insurance in Chicago and Illinois?

The West Garfield Park neighborhood of Chicago has the highest average auto insurance rates in Illinois, with an average annual rate of $1,675 in 2014 – 103% more than that of Bloomington, the cheapest city in Illinois. Also, this works out to be 29% more expensive than the state average.

There are many factors that determine your car insurance premium, such as your coverage limits, your loss history, age, gender, marital status, and vehicle safety features. But one of the most important factors that go into the calculation is where you live or where you keep your car. Insurance companies consider some places as higher risks than others, and as a result, they require drivers in those places to pay higher premiums for car insurance.

Why do insurance rates vary by location?

Location-related factors such as property crimes, number of insurance claims, population density, road infrastructure and other factors will play an important role in deciding insurance premium. One of the factors affecting auto insurance rates in West Garfield is the property crime rate. On a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high), West Garfield has a rating of 8.8 as compared to the state average of 4.2 and the US average of 4.4. Property crimes include the offenses of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson.

Top 3 Expensive Neighborhoods of Chicago and Property Crime Rates:

Neighborhood Zip CodeProperty Crime RateAverage Insurance (in $)

Least 3 Expensive Neighborhoods of Chicago and Property Crime Rates:

Neighborhood Zip Code

Property Crime Rate

Average Insurance(in $)










What do you think is the solution to the problem of high insurance rates in West Garfield? Do insurance companies need to file lawsuits against governments for not controlling crimes in West Garfield Park? Such a precedent has already been set by Farmers Insurance Co., which filed class-action lawsuits against local governments in Chicago in May 2014 contending that their failure to prepare for heavy rainfall was leading to climate change. Legal action by auto insurance companies against the government is definitely a plan that is worth considering!

Factors that can influence the cost of car insurance in Chicago, IL are listed below. It is imperative to understand these factors in order to reduce the cost of car insurance. It is also essential to strike a balance between the cost of insurance and the coverage requirements.

Chicago, IL Auto Insurance Rate Comparisons with Neighboring Locations | Back to Top

The following table compares the cost of insurance in Chicago, IL with that of other cities in and around Chicago.

Chicago Forest View Berwyn Cicero Cook County Stickney
Average Insurance Rates $1,154 $1,251 $1,259 $1,354 $998 $1,256

Chicago, IL Auto Insurance Rates vary Based on Deductibles in Neighboring Cities | Back to Top

The following table makes a comparison of the variation in car insurance rates in and around Chicago, IL based on the change in deductibles. A higher deductible leads to a decrease in the cost of car insurance.

Location Low Deductible ($500) High Deductible ($1000)
Chicago $1,864 $1,575
Cicero $1,306 $1,103
Cook County $1,268 $1,071
Forest View $1,480 $1,250
Berwyn $2,040 $1,723
Stickney $2,228 $1,882
Oak Park $1,925 $1,626
Forest Park $1,619 $1,368

Chicago, IL Auto Insurance Rates Based on the Age of the Driver | Back to Top

Teenagers in Chicago, IL usually pay a much higher car insurance rate compared to the rest of the state as they are generally considered to be less responsible behind the wheel. Middle-aged drivers are likely to pay lower car insurance premiums if they are considered to be safer drivers by insurance companies.

Age of Driver Insurance Cost
Teens $3,745
20 Years $1,483
30 Years $1,142
40 Years $1,099
50 Years $1,018
60 Years $1,032
70 Years $1,201

Chicago, IL Car Insurance Discounts for Multi-Car Insurance | Back to Top

Car owners in Chicago, IL can obtain discounts if they insure multiple vehicles with the same insurer. The average savings one can obtain are as follows:

Number of Cars Auto Insurance Cost Total Savings
2 Vehicles $2,031 $277
3 Vehicles $3,047 $415
4 Vehicles $4,062 $554

Savings on 2 Vehicles bundle:$277

Savings on 3 Vehicles bundle:$415

Savings on 4 Vehicles bundle:$554

Chicago, IL Post- DUI Auto Insurance Rates | Back to Top

Driving Under Influence (DUI) can be an added burden on your wallet. The cost of auto insurance will go up post-DUI. The below graph does a comparison of auto insurance rates before and after DUI in and around Chicago, IL.

Location Average Insurance Cost Post DUI Insurance Rate
Chicago $1,154 $1,873
Cicero $1,354 $2,198
Cook County $998 $1,620
Forest View $1,251 $2,031
Berwyn $1,259 $2,044
Stickney $1,256 $2,039
Oak Park $1,278 $2,075
Forest Park $1,424 $2,312

Chicago, IL Auto Insurance Rates Based on Credit Score | Back to Top

Car insurance companies can use the Credit Score of car drivers to determine car insurance rates. Car drivers with good credit can avail of substantial discounts on car insurance rates.

Credit Score Insurance Cost
Exceptional (800-850) $990
Excellent (740-799) $1,130
Good (670-739) $1,202
Average (580-669) $1,569
Poor (300-579) $1,882

Chicago, IL Auto Insurance Agents | Back to Top

Car owners can obtain quotes from multiple auto insurance companies. Comparing different quotes can help identify the cheapest auto insurance provider best suited for their coverage needs.

Agent Name Company Agent Address Contact Details
Saul Lopez State Farm 6737 W Belmont Ave, Chicago, 60634-4648 773-993-0763
Mike Riordan State Farm 6538 W Archer Ave, Chicago, 60638-2439 773-586-4448
Armando Guzman State Farm 5009 W Cermak Rd, Cicero, 60804-2934 708-656-5100
Lakeview Insurance Agency Ltd Erie 3438 N. Southport Avenue, Chicago, 60657 (773) 796-6374
Midwest Group Insurance Agency Inc. Erie 2853 W Diversey Avenue Suite A, Chicago, 60647 None
Alper Services Llc Travelers 60 W SUPERIOR ST, CHICAGO, 60654 312-642-1000
Insurance Center Of Chicago Llc None 3035 W Irving Park Rd, Chicago, 60618 None
Juan Wheat State Farm 1338 S Halsted St, Chicago, 60607-5022 773-277-2900
Wirtz Insurance Agency Inc Travelers 680 N Lake Shore Dr 680 N Lake Shore Dr, Chicago, 60611 None
Nelson Insurance Group, Llc None 521 S Lagrange Rd., Ste 207 Lagrange, La Grange, 60525 None
Preston Lewis Farmers 10735 S Western Ave Ste 6, Chicago, 60643 (773) 233-7290

Chicago, IL Auto Insurance Rates can Increase Based on Driving Violations | Back to Top

Auto insurance rates tend to increase depending on the type and number of driving violations. The driving violations can stay on the record for a considerable amount of time leading to higher auto insurance rates. The severity of the driving violation and place of residence will determine how long the violation stays on record.

Driving Violation Cost Increase Total Insurance Cost
Driving Without Headlights +$51 $1,205
Driver's Failure In Showing Documents +$112 $1,266
Driving With An Expired Registration +$119 $1,273
Driving At A Considerably Slow Pace +$250 $1,404
Using A Cellphone While Driving +$264 $1,418
Running A Red Light +$269 $1,423
Speeding +$283 $1,437
Driving A Vehicle Without The Required Permission +$359 $1,513
Driving With An Expired/Suspended License +$778 $1,932

Chicago, IL Auto Insurance Rates Based on Anti-Theft Feature | Back to Top

Cars that are equipped with safety devices are less prone to thefts. As a result, auto insurance companies provide a considerable amount of discounts to vigilant car owners. The discounts vary depending on the type and number of safety devices installed.

Anti Theft Feature Insurance Cost
Audible Alarm $1,108
Active Disabling Device $1,108
Tracking Device $1,085
Passive Disabling Device $1,073

Latest Auto Insurance Reviews in Chicago, IL | Back to Top

State Farm
Dramatically lower your monthly payment. No salesman will call. See rates now! Detailed Policy Coverage. Compare Now & Then Renew. Agents Always On Standby.
Offerings are not very different when compared to other insurance providers. The difference is in the customer service and my company has been good.
State Farm
They are a top notch company, who employs top notch people. Every claim has been handled with grace and professionalism. I would highly recommend.
The policy offerred by my car company is very good. It gives full coverage with average deductible. It also offers on road assistance.
Farmer's Insurance
The premium was again a bit cheaper than other companies with similar plans. The deductibles lined up with other similar companies.
I liked the way I can custom my coverage and I dont need to call anyone for that.
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American National Property And Casualty Company
This is the first time I feel I have a personal relationship with my agent. I can call, text, or email him anytime and get a quick response.
State Farm
I like that the company pays for your roadside assistance service. That way you dont have to pay upfront and then turn in receipts and wait for payments.
Alfa Insurance
I do not like the company that at the time of new insurance do not provide the necessary service to communicate with insurance customers
The General Auto Insurance
I do not have to contact them often, but when I do, it's usually via phone. Wait time is not very long and customer service is friendly. What I don't like, as of the last time I checked, they do not offer chat on the Website.
State Farm
I like that I can call my local provider and talk to them about any concerns or problems. I also like that I can call the claims line and speak with a person and not an automated system.
The General Auto Insurance
I like the cheap prices plus they wish with you on payments