Clearspring Auto Insurance Rates, Quotes, Agents & Reviews in IN

Clearspring, IN Auto Insurance Rates, Quotes, Agents & Reviews

Zimlon, through its research, found that car owners in Clearspring, IN, can avail multiple discounts on car insurance by taking various factors into consideration. These factors are explored in detail by Zimlon in the analysis below.

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How to Save Money on Car Insurance in Clearspring, IN

Affording car insurance in Clearspring, IN, is not a cheap affair, but what if there were any alternatives to reduce car insurance costs in Clearspring? Yes, there are multiple ways through which car owners in Clearspring can avail of exclusive discounts. Through Zimlon's deep analysis, you can find different factors which can get you a discount on auto insurance rates. 

The average cost of auto insurance in Clearspring, IN, is $1,304, which is lower than the neighboring locations, including Lagrange, Rome City, Newbury, and Wolcottville. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the auto insurance quotes applicable for different determinants. 

a. Discounts based on the age of the driver

The driver's age is one such factor that helps in deciding the cost of the insurance. Teenagers are viewed as irresponsible and reckless while driving, due to which they pay a higher premium than the other age group. In Clearspring, IN, teenagers spend $4,231 for car insurance, whereas 30 to 40 years old pay $1,291 and $1,242, respectively. 

b. Discounts based on the Deductible

One way to get a discount on car insurance rates is by opting for a high deductible. High deductibles lead to a reduction in car insurance costs. For instance, car owners in Clearspring, IN, who opted for a high deductible of 1000, pay $1,510, whereas car owners who opted for a low deductible of 500 pay $1,788. Therefore, the higher the deductible, the lesser the premium. 

c. Discounts based on the credit score

Most insurance providers analyze the credit score to determine the Clearspring insurance rates. For instance, auto owners with exceptional credit scores have to pay $1,119, whereas those with poor credit scores have to pay $2,127. Therefore, auto owners must maintain a good credit score to avail discounts on car insurance rates. 

Refer to the table below to know the applicable rates as per the credit score.


d. Discounts based on the security features

Cars equipped with anti-theft features like an audible alarm, active disabling devices, or tracking devices can get you a great deal on car insurance rates in Clearspring, IN. Nowadays, even the base models of vehicles are equipped with enhanced safety features. Insurance providers in Clearspring offer exceptional discounts depending on the number and type of safety devices installed. For instance, cars provisioned with active disabling devices and passive disabling devices will have to pay a premium of $1,252 and $1,213, respectively.

Factors that can influence the cost of car insurance in Clearspring, IN are listed below. It is imperative to understand these factors in order to reduce the cost of car insurance. It is also essential to strike a balance between the cost of insurance and the coverage requirements.

Clearspring, IN Auto Insurance Rate Comparisons with Neighboring Locations | Back to Top

The following table compares the cost of insurance in Clearspring, IN with that of other cities in and around Clearspring.

Clearspring Lagrange Rome City Newbury Wolcottville LaGrange County
Average Insurance Rates $1,304 $1,478 $1,607 $1,333 $1,472 $935

Clearspring, IN Auto Insurance Rates vary Based on Deductibles in Neighboring Cities | Back to Top

The following table makes a comparison of the variation in car insurance rates in and around Clearspring, IN based on the change in deductibles. A higher deductible leads to a decrease in the cost of car insurance.

Location Low Deductible ($500) High Deductible ($1000)
Clearspring $1,788 $1,510
Topeka $1,478 $1,248
Eden $1,424 $1,203
LaGrange County $1,712 $1,446
Lagrange $1,448 $1,223
Wolcottville $1,677 $1,416
Newbury $1,324 $1,118
Rome City $1,151 $972

Clearspring, IN Auto Insurance Rates Based on the Age of the Driver | Back to Top

Teenagers in Clearspring, IN usually pay a much higher car insurance rate compared to the rest of the state as they are generally considered to be less responsible behind the wheel. Middle-aged drivers are likely to pay lower car insurance premiums if they are considered to be safer drivers by insurance companies.

Age of Driver Insurance Cost
Teens $4,231
20 Years $1,675
30 Years $1,291
40 Years $1,242
50 Years $1,150
60 Years $1,166
70 Years $1,357

Clearspring, IN Car Insurance Discounts for Multi-Car Insurance | Back to Top

Car owners in Clearspring, IN can obtain discounts if they insure multiple vehicles with the same insurer. The average savings one can obtain are as follows:

Number of Cars Auto Insurance Cost Total Savings
2 Vehicles $2,269 $339
3 Vehicles $3,403 $509
4 Vehicles $4,538 $678

Savings on 2 Vehicles bundle:$339

Savings on 3 Vehicles bundle:$509

Savings on 4 Vehicles bundle:$678

Clearspring, IN Post- DUI Auto Insurance Rates | Back to Top

Driving Under Influence (DUI) can be an added burden on your wallet. The cost of auto insurance will go up post-DUI. The below graph does a comparison of auto insurance rates before and after DUI in and around Clearspring, IN.

Location Average Insurance Cost Post DUI Insurance Rate
Clearspring $1,304 $2,018
Topeka $1,499 $2,319
Eden $1,353 $2,093
LaGrange County $935 $1,447
Lagrange $1,478 $2,287
Wolcottville $1,472 $2,278
Newbury $1,333 $2,063
Rome City $1,607 $2,486

Clearspring, IN Auto Insurance Rates Based on Credit Score | Back to Top

Car insurance companies can use the Credit Score of car drivers to determine car insurance rates. Car drivers with good credit can avail of substantial discounts on car insurance rates.

Credit Score Insurance Cost
Exceptional (800-850) $1,119
Excellent (740-799) $1,277
Good (670-739) $1,359
Average (580-669) $1,773
Poor (300-579) $2,127

Clearspring, IN Auto Insurance Agents | Back to Top

Car owners can obtain quotes from multiple auto insurance companies. Comparing different quotes can help identify the cheapest auto insurance provider best suited for their coverage needs.

Agent Name Company Agent Address Contact Details
Stanner Insurance Services, Inc. None 2765 N State Road 9, Lagrange, 46761 (260) 499-4500
Barney Bryan State Farm 341 W Central Ave, Lagrange, 46761-2107 260-463-7218
Scott Roth State Farm 1509 S Main St, Goshen, 46526-4719 574-533-6055
Silveus Insurance Partners (Howe-Lagrange) Liberty Mutual Independent 2575 N STATE ROAD 9, LAGRANGE, 46761 (260) 463-2881
Kim Warner-Squiers State Farm 1307 Elkhart Rd, Goshen, 46526-2022 574-534-1701
Huntington Insurance Inc Travelers 202 W BERRY ST STE 110, FORT WAYNE, 46852 260-425-9505
Ron Donelson State Farm 23598 Western Ave Ste 2, South Bend, 46619-1520 574-233-3313
Hostetler Insurance Agency Inc Erie 124 N Detroit St, Lagrange, 46761 None
Don Morlan State Farm 2029 N Cedar St, Mishawaka, 46545-7075 574-255-4701

Clearspring, IN Auto Insurance Rates can Increase Based on Driving Violations | Back to Top

Auto insurance rates tend to increase depending on the type and number of driving violations. The driving violations can stay on the record for a considerable amount of time leading to higher auto insurance rates. The severity of the driving violation and place of residence will determine how long the violation stays on record.

Driving Violation Cost Increase Total Insurance Cost
Driving Without Headlights +$57 $1,361
Driver's Failure In Showing Documents +$126 $1,430
Driving With An Expired Registration +$134 $1,438
Driving At A Considerably Slow Pace +$283 $1,587
Using A Cellphone While Driving +$299 $1,603
Running A Red Light +$304 $1,608
Speeding +$319 $1,623
Driving A Vehicle Without The Required Permission +$406 $1,710
Driving With An Expired/Suspended License +$879 $2,183

Clearspring, IN Auto Insurance Rates Based on Anti-Theft Feature | Back to Top

Cars that are equipped with safety devices are less prone to thefts. As a result, auto insurance companies provide a considerable amount of discounts to vigilant car owners. The discounts vary depending on the type and number of safety devices installed.

Anti Theft Feature Insurance Cost
Audible Alarm $1,252
Active Disabling Device $1,252
Tracking Device $1,226
Passive Disabling Device $1,213