What is the cost of Homeowners Insurance in Lincoln County, NV?
Get cheap quotes from the best Homeowners Insurance Agents & companies in in Lincoln County, NV.
$46 Quote for $135000 Coverage & $500 Deductible for the following details in Lincoln County
- Located near Culverwell Ave, Jane St, Comstock Rd
- 3 Beds, 1 Baths
- 1981
- 47 years old Male earning $100 to $150,000 with upto 800-850 Credit Score with 3 Pets and is a Smoker
Allstate Homeowners Insurance Agent:
Dolan Edwards Agcy : 160 Front Street, Caliente, NV 89008Distance from Lincoln County : 19.3 mi
$440 Quote for $90000 Coverage & $500 Deductible for the following details in Lincoln County
- Located near W 2nd North St, Perkins Cir, Timber Crest Way
- 2 Beds, 1 Baths
- 1983
- 43 years old Male earning $75 to $100,000 with upto $500 Deductible with 2 Pets and is a Smoker