Auto insurance costs are neither very high, nor very low in Minnesota. At $1432, Minnesota’s average annual insurance rate is merely $64 below the national average, $1496. However, these rates can be gravely affected by drunk driving charges on your driving record.
In Minnesota, driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense, and can result in fines as well as jail time. The fourth DWI on your record will cost you your driver’s license, and the fourth DWI within a 10 year period will be considered a felony. In addition to these legal repercussions, your insurance carrier will increase your premium from $1432 to $2664 in Minnesota. In Minneapolis, your insurance rate will increase from $1376 to $2559.
St. Cloud is the most affordable auto insurance zip code in Minnesota. The average annual insurance rate in St. Cloud is $956. However, a DWI in St. Cloud will increase your insurance rate to $1778 per year. Minnetonka, Mankato, and Rochester are also affordable cities to buy auto insurance, with average annual insurance rates of $969, $981, and $986, respectively. However, a single DWI on your record in these cities will shoot your premium up to $1802, $1825, and $1834.
City/ State | Zip code | Average Annual Insurance Rate ($) | Average Annual Premium after a DWI Conviction ($) | Average Annual Premium after an accident ($) |
St. Cloud | 56301 | 956 | 1,778 | 1,177 |
Minnetonka | 55305 | 969 | 1,802 | 1,193 |
Mankato | 56001 | 981 | 1,825 | 1,208 |
Rochester | 55901 | 986 | 1,834 | 1,214 |
Edina | 55410 | 1,024 | 1,905 | 1,261 |
Bloomington | 55420 | 1,037 | 1,929 | 1,277 |
Eden Prairie | 55343 | 1,058 | 1,968 | 1,303 |
Duluth | 55802 | 1,063 | 1,977 | 1,309 |
Saint Paul | 55101 | 1,316 | 2,448 | 1,621 |
Minneapolis | 55415 | 1,376 | 2,559 | 1,695 |
Minnesota | 55959 | 1,432 | 2,664 | 1,764 |
It is evident from the above table that one accident on your record has a lower impact on your insurance premiums, compared to DWIs. Also, DWIs will cost you a higher premium for at least three years since the date of the offense.