Warren Auto Insurance Rates, Quotes, Agents & Reviews in RI

Warren, RI Auto Insurance Rates, Quotes, Agents & Reviews

Zimlon, through its research, found that car owners in Warren, RI, can avail multiple discounts on car insurance by taking various factors into consideration. These factors are explored in detail by Zimlon in the analysis below.

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Discounts Available on Car Insurance Rates in Warren, RI

Warren is located in Bristol County, on the east bank of the Warren River, Rhode Island. It is the smallest county in the smallest state. In order to explore a city like Warren, travelers must ensure their trip on the roads. A car owner should insure their automobile and travel to avoid unnecessary loss. As a car owner, you are responsible for the safety and liability of those in your car. This is why it is necessary to obtain insurance coverage. This protection covers you in case of incidents such as accidents or theft. Therefore, it is essential to get sufficient knowledge as purchasing a policy can be daunting.  

The average cost of car insurance in Warren, RI, is $2,205. The cost of car insurance is higher when compared to cities like Bristol County, East Providence, Ocean Grove and lower when compared to cities like Barrington and Bristol. Car owners in Warren can lower their premiums by availing discounts on car insurance rates. 

Few discounts available on car insurance in Warren are: 

a. Choose a high deductible

Car owners can save a few dollars by opting for a higher deductible. The deductible is the amount paid by the policyholder before the insurance provider will pay any expenses. A higher deductible leads to a reduction in the cost of car insurance. 

For instance, car owners who opted for a high deductible of 1000 pay a premium of $1,529, whereas car owners who opted for a deductible of 500 pay $1,811. 

b. Maintain a high credit score

Car owners must seriously consider maintaining a decent credit score as it can further lower your insurance rates. For instance, car owners with exceptional credit scores have to pay $1,892, whereas car owners with poor credit scores have to pay $3,597. Therefore, car owners must maintain a good credit score to avail of discounts on car insurance rates.


c. Avoid Driving under the influence (DUI)

Most people don't know that insurance providers go through your driving history when deciding on your car insurance rates. The more you drive and the more likely you are to have an accident, the higher your car insurance rates. Insurance providers review your driving patterns like commuting locally or traveling outskirts, DUI reports, types of claims, etc. 

For instance, car owners in Warren, RI, with a Driving under the Influence (DUI) history, pay a premium of $4,381. Therefore, the cost of insurance increases post-DUI.

Factors that can influence the cost of car insurance in Warren, RI are listed below. It is imperative to understand these factors in order to reduce the cost of car insurance. It is also essential to strike a balance between the cost of insurance and the coverage requirements.

Warren, RI Auto Insurance Rate Comparisons with Neighboring Locations | Back to Top

The following table compares the cost of insurance in Warren, RI with that of other cities in and around Warren.

Warren Bristol County Barrington East Providence Bristol Ocean Grove
Average Insurance Rates $2,205 $1,560 $2,328 $1,801 $2,253 $2,119

Warren, RI Auto Insurance Rates vary Based on Deductibles in Neighboring Cities | Back to Top

The following table makes a comparison of the variation in car insurance rates in and around Warren, RI based on the change in deductibles. A higher deductible leads to a decrease in the cost of car insurance.

Location Low Deductible ($500) High Deductible ($1000)
Warren $1,811 $1,529
Bristol County $1,450 $1,225
Ocean Grove $1,167 $986
Barrington $1,937 $1,636
Swansea $1,316 $1,112
Bristol $1,594 $1,347
Somerset $1,418 $1,198
East Providence $1,516 $1,281

Warren, RI Auto Insurance Rates Based on the Age of the Driver | Back to Top

Teenagers in Warren, RI usually pay a much higher car insurance rate compared to the rest of the state as they are generally considered to be less responsible behind the wheel. Middle-aged drivers are likely to pay lower car insurance premiums if they are considered to be safer drivers by insurance companies.

Age of Driver Insurance Cost
Teens $7,155
20 Years $2,833
30 Years $2,182
40 Years $2,100
50 Years $1,944
60 Years $1,971
70 Years $2,295

Warren, RI Car Insurance Discounts for Multi-Car Insurance | Back to Top

Car owners in Warren, RI can obtain discounts if they insure multiple vehicles with the same insurer. The average savings one can obtain are as follows:

Number of Cars Auto Insurance Cost Total Savings
2 Vehicles $3,749 $662
3 Vehicles $5,623 $992
4 Vehicles $7,497 $1,323

Savings on 2 Vehicles bundle:$662

Savings on 3 Vehicles bundle:$992

Savings on 4 Vehicles bundle:$1,323

Warren, RI Post- DUI Auto Insurance Rates | Back to Top

Driving Under Influence (DUI) can be an added burden on your wallet. The cost of auto insurance will go up post-DUI. The below graph does a comparison of auto insurance rates before and after DUI in and around Warren, RI.

Location Average Insurance Cost Post DUI Insurance Rate
Warren $2,205 $4,381
Bristol County $1,560 $3,100
Ocean Grove $2,119 $3,837
Barrington $2,328 $4,626
Swansea $1,278 $2,314
Bristol $2,253 $4,477
Somerset $1,279 $2,316
East Providence $1,801 $3,578

Warren, RI Auto Insurance Rates Based on Credit Score | Back to Top

Car insurance companies can use the Credit Score of car drivers to determine car insurance rates. Car drivers with good credit can avail of substantial discounts on car insurance rates.

Credit Score Insurance Cost
Exceptional (800-850) $1,892
Excellent (740-799) $2,160
Good (670-739) $2,298
Average (580-669) $2,998
Poor (300-579) $3,597

Warren, RI Auto Insurance Agents | Back to Top

Car owners can obtain quotes from multiple auto insurance companies. Comparing different quotes can help identify the cheapest auto insurance provider best suited for their coverage needs.

Agent Name Company Agent Address Contact Details
Affiliated Insurance Managers Liberty Mutual Independent 935 Jefferson Blvd 935 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick, 2886 None
Burns & Cotter Liberty Mutual Independent 206 WATERMAN ST, PROVIDENCE, 2906 (401) 421-0100
Continential Agency Of Ri, Inc. None 1045 Avenue, Warwick, 2888 None
Shailer & Greene Inc Travelers 942 WARWICK AVE, WARWICK, 2888 401-941-4900
Timothy Cooney Allstate 631 Metacom Ave Ste A, Warren, 2885 (508) 888-5688
Timothy Cooney Allstate 631 Metacom Ave Ste A, Warren, 2885 (508) 888-5688
Cheryl Upshall Insurance Group, Llc None 200 Crossing Blvd, Warwick, 2887 None
Greenwich Bay Insurance Group Llc Travelers 1865 POST RD STE 201, WARWICK, 2886 401-738-3445
Degiulio Insurance Group None 1865 Post Rd, Warwick, 2886 (401) 921-5690

Warren, RI Auto Insurance Rates can Increase Based on Driving Violations | Back to Top

Auto insurance rates tend to increase depending on the type and number of driving violations. The driving violations can stay on the record for a considerable amount of time leading to higher auto insurance rates. The severity of the driving violation and place of residence will determine how long the violation stays on record.

Driving Violation Cost Increase Total Insurance Cost
Driving Without Headlights +$97 $2,302
Driver's Failure In Showing Documents +$214 $2,419
Driving With An Expired Registration +$227 $2,432
Driving At A Considerably Slow Pace +$478 $2,683
Using A Cellphone While Driving +$505 $2,710
Running A Red Light +$514 $2,719
Speeding +$540 $2,745
Driving A Vehicle Without The Required Permission +$686 $2,891
Driving With An Expired/Suspended License +$1,486 $3,691

Warren, RI Auto Insurance Rates Based on Anti-Theft Feature | Back to Top

Cars that are equipped with safety devices are less prone to thefts. As a result, auto insurance companies provide a considerable amount of discounts to vigilant car owners. The discounts vary depending on the type and number of safety devices installed.

Anti Theft Feature Insurance Cost
Audible Alarm $2,117
Active Disabling Device $2,117
Tracking Device $2,073
Passive Disabling Device $2,051