What is the cost of Homeowners Insurance in White Pine County, NV?
Get cheap quotes from the best Homeowners Insurance Agents & companies in in White Pine County, NV.
$65 Quote for $170000 Coverage & $1000 Deductible for the following details in White Pine County
- Located near Strandman St, White Pine County Road 10, Juniper St
- 5 Beds, 2 Baths
- 1945
- 48 years old Male earning $50 to $75,000 with upto 550-599 Credit Score with No Pets and is a Non-Smoker
State Farm Homeowners Insurance Agent:
Tiffany Swetich : 298 11th St E, Ely, NV 89301-2360Distance from White Pine County : 11.2 mi